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দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি নং- eGP-03/EE/LRD/2023-2024 (Re-Tender)

Tender/Proposal Package No. and Description :

eGP-03/EE/LRD/2023-2024 (Re-Tender)
Supply of Crushed Boulder, 1st Class/PJ Brick Bats, 1st Class Brick, Sand (FM>1.00), Synthetic Bags for emergency repair at Patgram stack yard under Road Division, Lalmonirhat during the year 2023-2024

Scheduled Tender/Proposal Publication
Date and Time :

24-Mar-2024 12:30

Tender/Proposal Document last selling /
downloading Date and Time :

15-Apr-2024 17:00

Pre - Tender/Proposal meeting Start
Date and Time :

24-Mar-2024 13:00

Pre - Tender/Proposal meeting End
Date and Time :

15-Apr-2024 13:00

Tender/Proposal Closing
Date and Time :

16-Apr-2024 13:00

Tender/Proposal Opening
Date and Time :

16-Apr-2024 13:00

Last Date and Time for Tender/Proposal Security
Submission :

16-Apr-2024 12:00

Publish Date
Archieve Date